sponsorship opportunities
Proceeds from the annual Spicer Gripp Memorial, as well as gifts from family and friends of Spicer, continue to be used to fund the Spicer Gripp Memorial Scholarship at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas. The scholarship is available for students pursuing an agricultural degree and/or members of the WTAMU Rodeo Team. For more information on scholarship opportunities, please contact the Department of Agricultural Sciences West Texas A&M University.
Beef Capital of the world heifer contest - $1000
Each year a pen of heifers are fed at Bar- G Feedyard for the SG Memorial Youth Foundation. The heifers are for sale at $1000 each. In late July, the heifers are delivered to Cargill and graded for desirable carcass characteristics. First place - $5,000 and a Montana Silversmiths Buckle. 2nd – $3,000, 3rd - $2,000, 4th & 5th place heifers receive $1000. BCOW Heifer entries may be purchased by contacting Lance Storer at lance_storer@cargill.com or by completing the Sponsorship Form at the top of the page.
Carcass contestants receive:
Two general admission tickets to the Gripp Foundation Kick-Off Reception
Recognition in the Gripp Foundation Kick-Off Reception program
BCOW Heifer number imprint
Company Banners - $300 (renew) $500 (new)
Banners with your company logo can be purchased from the Spicer Gripp Memorial Youth Foundation for use during the event. $500 covers the cost of production and first year sponsorship. A renewal of $300 continues the banner sponsorship each year. Banners may be purchased by contacting Charlotte Hill at capri@hotmail.com or by completing the Sponsorship Form at the top of the page.
Raffle Tickets - $100
Each year the Spicer Gripp committee sells raffle tickets for prized and Half Top Trailer. The raffle is drawn in reverse order. Tickets sell for $100 each and may be purchased from any SG Committee Member or by completing the Sponsorship Form at the top of the page.
Bronze sponsor - $1,500
Bronze Sponsors contribute a minimum annual gift of $1,500 to the Spicer Gripp Memorial Youth Foundation.
Bronze Sponsors receive:
Two general admission tickets to the Gripp Foundation Kick-Off Reception
Recognition in the Gripp Foundation Kick-Off Reception program
Company Banner displayed at the arena for all events
Bronze Sponsorships can be purchased by contacting Max Moss at mossgrain@sbcglobal.net or by completing the Sponsorship Form at the top of the page.
Silver Sponsor - $2,500
Silver Sponsors contribute a minimum annual gift of $2,500 to the Spicer Gripp Memorial Youth Foundation.
Silver Sponsors receive:
Four general admission tickets to the Gripp Foundation Kick-Off
Recognition in the Gripp Foundation Kick-Off Reception program
Company Banner displayed at the arena for all events
Company recognition listed on the media board.
Contact Max Moss mossgrain@sbcglobal.net for Silver Sponsorship or by completing the Sponsorship Form at the top of the page.
Gold sponsor - $5,000
Gold Sponsors contribute a minimum annual gift of $5,000 to the Spicer Gripp Memorial Youth Foundation.
Gold Sponsors receive:
Four general admission tickets to the Gripp Foundation Kick-Off Reception
Four VIP admissions for all weekend roping events
Recognition in the Gripp Foundation Kick-Off Reception & Dinner
Company Banner displayed at the arena for all events
Gold Sponsorships can be purchased by contacting Max Moss at mossgrain@sbcglobal.net or by completing the Sponsorship Form at the top of the page.
platinum sponsor - $15,000+
Platinum sponsors contribute a minimum annual gift of $15,000 to the Spicer Gripp Memorial Youth Foundation.
This gift entitles the Platinum Sponsors to have their company logo included on all publications produced each year including schedules and posters. Ongoing recognition is mentioned throughout the weekend events.
Platinum Sponsors receive:
Reserved seating for eight at the Gripp Foundation Kick-Off Reception
VIP admission for all weekend roping events
Sponsor Award Presentation, introduction and recognition at the Gripp Foundation Kick-Off Reception
Two Company Banners with logo displayed at the arena for all events
Sponsor name/logo will appear most prominently on all promotional material and will be continuously announced during all roping events
Platinum Sponsorships can be purchased by contacting Carla Purcella at westernalle@wtrt.net
Golf Sponsorship - $200
The Beef Capital of the World Golf Scramble is held on Friday of the SG. The golf scramble committee will be selling sponsorships for each hole at $200. Sponsorships may be purchased by contacting Clint Savoini at clintsavoini@sbcglobal.net or by completing the Sponsorship Form at the top of the page.
*You must contact the John Pitman Golf Club to enter the Golf Scramble (806) 363-7139*